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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
立花孝全The Codes of Chōsokabe Motochika and the Economy of Buddhist Temples in His Day (IV)印度学仏教学研究 通号 43 1973-12-31 37-46(L)詳細IB00003722A
立花孝全The Codes of Chōsokabe Motochika and the Economy of Buddhist temples in His Day (Ⅴ)印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 50 1977-03-31 37-41(L)詳細IB00004510A
立花孝全The Codes of Chōsokabe Motochika and the Economy of Buddhist Temples in His Day (VI)印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 51 1977-12-31 13-18(L)詳細IB00004635A
AryaVedagyaThe Concept of Buddhism as Depicted in Buddhacarita and Saundarananda by Aśvaghoṣa印度学仏教学研究 通号 81 1992-12-01 14-17(L)詳細ありIB00007957A
マクマレンマシューThe Correlation Between the Capabilities of Practitioners and Interpretations of the Garbhadātu Maṇḍala in Saisen's Abbreviated Questions and Responses Concerning the Four-Level Maṇḍala of the Womb Realm天台・真言諸宗論攷:大久保良峻教授還暦記念論集 通号 81 2015-12-25 53-77(L)詳細IB00222072A
岡崎康浩The Development of Āvīta印度学仏教学研究 通号 109 2006-03-25 21-26(L)詳細ありIB00056650A
玉城康四郎The Development of the Thought of Tathāgatagarbha from India to China印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 17 1961-01-25 25-33(L)詳細ありIB00001290A
KawamuraLeslie S.THE DHARMA-DHARMATĀ-VIBHĀGA印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 64 1984-03-25 10-17(L)詳細ありIB00006269A
井上博文The Excuse of Ānanda印度学仏教学研究 通号 109 2006-03-25 69-74(L)詳細ありIB00056658A
松村淳子The Formation and Development of the Dīpaṃkara Prophecy Story印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 127 2012-03-25 80-89(L)詳細ありIB00104176A
RhodesRobertThe Four Extensive Vows and Four Noble Truths in T'ien-t'ai Buddhism真宗総合研究所研究所紀要 通号 2 1984-03-31 53-91(L)詳細IB00029248A-
玉城康四郎The Fundamental Aspect of Dhamma in Primitive Buddhism印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 42 1973-03-31 1-9(L)詳細ありIB00003627A
MiyazakiIzumiThe Gradualist Chapter of the bSam gtan mig sgron and the Teaching of Kamalaśīla印度学仏教学研究 通号 104 2004-03-01 53-56(L)詳細ありIB00010411A
KeenanJohnThe Intent and Structure of Yogācāra Philosophy真宗総合研究所研究所紀要 通号 4 1986-01-31 41-60詳細IB00029266A-
WatanabeHoyoThe interpretation of Spiritual Contemplation in the Modern Nichiren Sect印度学仏教学研究 通号 106 2005-03-20 50-54(L)詳細ありIB00086268A
真鍋俊照The maṇḍalas at Chü-yung-kuan. Coming into existence and the idea印度学仏教学研究 通号 63 1983-12-25 22-26(L)詳細ありIB00006130A
常盤義伸The manomayakāya of the Laṅkāvatāra Mahāyānasūtra印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 87 1995-12-20 20-24(L)詳細IB00008608A
宮本正尊The Middle Path Concept in History and Society東洋文化論集――福井博士頌寿記念 通号 87 1969-12-10 35-57(L)詳細IB00047363A-
笠井貞The Mind-Body Problem in the Thought of Dōgens and Thomas Aquinas印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 44 1974-03-31 9-16(L)詳細IB00003820A
小川一乗THE NEGATION OF “PARATA UTPATTIḤ” (the latter half)印度学仏教学研究 通号 43 1973-12-31 26-31(L)詳細ありIB00003724A
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