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検索キーワード: Manuscripts [SAT] Manuscripts

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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
葉少勇A Re-examination of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā on the Basis of the Newly Identified Sanskrit Manuscripts from Tibet創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 10 2007-03-31 149-170(L)詳細ありIB00132463A
辛嶋静志A Sanskrit Fragment of Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra in the Stein CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 173-175(L)詳細ありIB00203180A
工藤順之A Sanskrit Fragment of the Caityacatuṣka- and TripusabballikasūtraThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 263-264(L)詳細ありIB00203872A
工藤順之A Sanskrit Fragment of the Larger Prajñāpāramitā in the Stein CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 255-259(L)詳細ありIB00203870A
鈴木健太A Sanskrit Fragment of the Prajñāpāramitāstotra in the Stein CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 261-262(L)詳細ありIB00203871A
工藤順之A Sanskriti Fragment of Unknown Mahāyāna CharmThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 265(L)詳細ありIB00203897A
HinüberOskar vonA Second Inscription from Phanigiri (Andhrapradesh)創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 15 2012-03-31 3-10(L)詳細ありIB00132531A
京戸慈光A Study of the Buddhist Manuscripts of Dunhuang仏教の歴史と思想:壬生台舜博士頌寿記念 通号 15 1985-02-01 17-70(L)詳細IB00045671A-
佐々木一憲A Succinct Catalogue of Shanker Thapa's First Phase Digital Collection of Private Sanskrit Buddhist Manuscripts in Patan, Nepal法華文化研究 通号 44 2018-03-20 1-14(L)詳細ありIB00218847A
FilliozaJacquelineA Survey of the Kammavācā Manuscripts in Pāli Kept in French Public Collectionsパーリ学仏教文化学 通号 29 2015-12-22 3-32(L)詳細ありIB00157852A
井狩弥介A Survey of the New Manuscripts of the Vādhūla SchoolZINBUN 通号 33 1999-03-01 1-30(L)詳細IB00039202A-
ZiemePeterAśvaghoṣa’s Buddhacarita in the Old Uigur Literature*創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 25 2022-03-31 173-189(L)詳細ありIB00225613A
工藤順之A Textual History of the Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Karmavibhaṅga創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 24 2021-03-31 119-130(L)詳細ありIB00213765A
米澤嘉康Background Information on the Tibetan Translation of the Vinayasūtravṛttyabhidhānasvavyākhyāna印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 157 2022-03-25 147-154(L)詳細IB00229466A
村上真完Benares-Manuscripts of the Yuktidīpikā印度学仏教学研究 通号 70 1987-03-25 1-5(L)詳細ありIB00006871A
久留宮圓秀BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES OF THE RATNAKETUPARIVARTA法華文化研究 通号 1 1975-03-01 39-45(L)詳細ありIB00023642A
平野顕照Bibliothèque Nationale: Catalogue des Manuscripts Chinois de Touen-houang (Fonds Pelliot chinois)仏教学セミナー 通号 18 1973-10-30 82-86(R)詳細ありIB00026548A-
MaggiMauroBits and bites創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 22 2019-03-31 247-260(L)詳細ありIB00187817A
佐々木一憲Books That Travelled from Kathmandu to Tokyo法華文化研究 通号 44 2018-03-20 15-25(L)詳細ありIB00218846A
辛嶋静志Buddhist Sanskrit Fragments from the Collection of The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts in St. Petersburg (2)創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 11 2008-03-31 91-94(L)詳細ありIB00132483A
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