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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
岸野亮示The Concept of sdom pa in the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya仏教大学仏教学会紀要 通号 20 2015-03-25 147-192(L)詳細ありIB00158176A-
TsultrimJigmeyThe Comparative Study of Buddhism龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要 通号 49 2010-12-26 63-81(L)詳細IB00167776A-
遠藤敏一The Commentator Dhammapālas Method of Work佛教研究 通号 40 2012-03-30 43-66(L)詳細IB00247016A
SkillingPeterThe Circulation of the Buddhāvataṃsaka in India創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 16 2013-03-31 193-216(L)詳細ありIB00132567A
大西薫The Chapter on the Kusha Tradition of A Description of the Eight Traditions龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要 通号 48 2009-12-26 41-72(L)詳細ありIB00167725A-
KuboTsugunariThe Central Concept of the Bodhisattva Practice in The Lotus Sūtraインド学仏教学論集:高崎直道博士還暦記念論集 通号 48 1987-10-30 129-142(L)詳細IB00045394A-
NattierJanThe Central Asian Manuscript Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 9 2006-03-31 61-78(L)詳細ありIB00132447A
HinüberHaiyan Hu-vonThe Case of the Missing Author創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 16 2013-03-31 307-314(L)詳細ありIB00132575A
PinaultGeorges-JeanThe Buddhas of the Fortunate Aeon in Old Turkic and Tocharian texts創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 14 2011-03-31 73-80(L)詳細ありIB00132522A
GuptaSanjuktaThe Buddha Avatāra佛教文化學論集:前田惠學博士頌寿記念 通号 14 1991-04-01 175-180(L)詳細IB00178828A
HinüberOskar vonThe Bronze of Pekapharṇa創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 21 2018-03-31 3-5(L)詳細ありIB00174172A
HarrisonPaulThe British Library Vajracchedikā ManuscriptThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 21 2015-01-01 823-865(L)詳細IB00229661A
岩本明美The Bodhisattva Path and the Dharmakāya in the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra禪學研究 通号 100000 2005-07-30 99-118(L)詳細IB00120018A
SatoNaomiThe Bodhisattva and the Śrāvaka in the Akṣobhya Buddha-field印度学仏教学研究 通号 101 2002-12-20 56-60(L)詳細ありIB00010089A
Vorobyova-DesyatovskayaMargarita I.The Avadāna Anthology from Merv, TurkmenistanThe St. Petersburg Sanskrit Fragments (StPSF) / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 101 2015-01-01 145-523(L)詳細IB00203972A
鈴木隆泰The Attainment of Supreme Enlightenment through the Offerings Represented in the Suvarṇaprabhāsa印度学仏教学研究 通号 118 2009-03-25 78-86(L)詳細ありIB00079833A
松田訓典Two Aspects of the Simile of māyā in the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra印度学仏教学研究 通号 109 2006-03-25 80-84(L)詳細ありIB00056660A
ZorinAlexanderThe Āli-kāli Trilingual Syllabary Brought by D. G. Messerschmidt from Siberia and Edited by G. S. Bayer in 1728国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要 通号 21 2017-03-31 183-241(L)詳細ありIB00162040A
RasmussenWilliam B.The Ajitasenavyākaraṇa from Central Asia and GilgitThe St. Petersburg Sanskrit Fragments (StPSF) / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 21 2015-01-01 85-143(L)詳細IB00203971A
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