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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
遠藤敏一Types of the Pāli Commentarial Literature and their Values as Research Material仏教研究 通号 20 1991-03-30 127-159(L)詳細IB00033450A-
ThurmanRobert A.Tsong Khapa (1357-1419) and His Integrations大正大学綜合佛教研究所年報 通号 8 1986-03-30 15-22(L)詳細IB00169078A-
比丘威儀法研究会Transcription of the Abhisamācārika-Dharma Chapter V-VII大正大学綜合佛教研究所年報 通号 21 1999-03-20 1-79(L)詳細IB00058975A
鈴木晃信Transcribed Sanskrit Text of the Amoghapāśakalparāja Part III大正大学綜合佛教研究所年報 通号 22 2000-03-20 1-309(L)詳細IB00194610A-
松濤泰雄Transcribed Sanskrit Text of the Amoghapāśakalparāja Part II大正大学綜合佛教研究所年報 通号 21 1999-03-20 81-128(L)詳細IB00243763A
雲井昭善tittha-kara (Sk. tīrthakara)について仏教研究 通号 4 1974-09-30 23-32詳細IB00033332A-
SilvaLily deTi saraṇa仏教研究 通号 18 1989-03-30 101-108(L)詳細IB00033432A-
林隆嗣The Vimuttimagga and Early Post Canonical Literature (II)仏教研究 通号 32 2004-03-01 59-82(L)詳細IB00033537A-
林隆嗣The Vimuttimagga and Early Post-Canonical Literature (I)*仏教研究 通号 31 2003-03-01 91-122(L)詳細IB00033528A
HayashiTakatsuguThe Vimuttimagga and Early Post-Canonical Literature (Ⅲ)仏教研究 通号 34 2006-03-30 5-33 (L)詳細IB00063064A-
KarunadasaY.The Universal Concomitants of Consciousness in the Abhidhamma Psychology仏教研究 通号 19 1990-03-30 191-216(L)詳細IB00033444A-
並川孝儀The Transmission of the New Material Dharmapada and the Sect to which it Belonged仏教研究 通号 22 1993-03-30 151-166(L)詳細IB00033464A-
OlsonRobert F.The Third Process of Meditative Actualization by Kamalaśīla大正大学綜合仏教研究所年報 通号 1 1979-05-30 17-53(L)詳細IB00058946A-
米澤嘉康The Second Pārājika of the Vinayasūtravṛtti (1)成田山仏教研究所紀要 通号 46 2023-02-28 99-129(L)詳細ありIB00236969A
米澤嘉康The Sanskrit Manuscript of the Vinayasūtravṛtti in dBu med script成田山仏教研究所紀要 通号 43 2020-02-28 65-84(L)詳細ありIB00196730A-
DhirasekeraJothiyaThe Rebels Against the Codified Law in Buddhist Monastic Discipline仏教研究 通号 1 1970-12-15 90-77(L)詳細IB00033313A-
米澤嘉康The Pravrajyāvastu of the Vinayasūtravṛtti in dBu med script成田山仏教研究所紀要 通号 44 2021-02-28 61-90(L)詳細ありIB00213196A
SkillingPeterThe Place of South-East Asia in Buddhist Studies仏教研究 通号 30 2001-03-30 19-43(L)詳細IB00033520A-
SilvaLily deThe Place of Buddha in the Religious Milieu of India in the Sixth Century B.C.仏教研究 通号 19 1990-03-30 181-190(L)詳細IB00033443A-
AloysiusPieris, s.j.The Pāli Exegetes on the Subliminal and the Cognitive Aspects of Consciousness仏教研究 通号 34 2006-03-30 35-46 (L)詳細IB00063067A-
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