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-- 1505 件ヒット
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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
常盤義伸The Pure Land Teaching On the Necessity of Fundamental Understanding from Within印度学仏教学研究 通号 37 1970-12-25 22-25(L)詳細ありIB00003100A
正木晴彦The Practice of Buddhistic Austerities and Its Popularization in Shan-Tao and Prince-Shôtoku印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 32 1968-03-31 42-54(L)詳細ありIB00002584A
嵩満也THE PERSPECTIVE ON THE ENVIRONMENT IN PURE LAND BUDDHISM浄土教と親鸞教学 / 真宗学論叢 通号 11 2011-09-15 45-59(L)詳細IB00224638A
ManabeShunshoThe Maṇḍala of the Womb World in Japanインド学密教学研究:宮坂宥勝博士古稀記念論文集 通号 2 1993-07-10 351-370(L)詳細IB00104773A-
StanleyWeinsteinThe Kanjin Kakumu‐shō駒澤大學研究紀要 通号 18 1960-03-15 14-31(L)詳細ありIB00057611A-
モースサムエル・CThe Hosso School and Image-Making In Ninth Century Japan奈良仏教の地方的展開 通号 18 2002-02-01 1-29(L)詳細IB00055005A-
西山広宣The explanation of the three roots of Zazen瑩山禅師研究:瑩山禅師六百五十回大遠忌記念論文集 通号 18 1974-12-01 15-30(L)詳細IB00138265A-
VictoriaBrian DaizenThe Ethical Implications of Zen-related Terrorism in 1930s Japan日中近代哲学における仏教受容――京都学派と新儒家を中心として 通号 18 2005-03-01 120-148(L)詳細IB00162303A-
Thupten CGyatsoThe Doctrine of Fire Maṇḍala (I)密教文化 通号 126 1979-03-15 62-52(L)詳細ありIB00016068A-
西山広宣The Description of Precautions for Zazen瑩山禅師研究:瑩山禅師六百五十回大遠忌記念論文集 通号 126 1974-12-01 7-24(L)詳細IB00048205A-
西本照真The Current State of the Study of Chinese Buddhism in Japan and Future Issues大倉山論集 通号 47 2001-03-01 1-16(L)詳細IB00035870A-
大谷由香The Controversy over the Principal Doctrine of the Nanshan Vinaya School in the Southern Song and Japan印度学仏教学研究 通号 145 2018-03-25 188-194(L)詳細ありIB00179804A
立花孝全The Codes of Chōsokabe Motochika and the Economy of Buddhist Temples in His Day (Ⅰ)印度学仏教学研究 通号 37 1970-12-25 26-31(L)詳細ありIB00003099A
蓑輪顕量The Change of the Meaning of the Word “tsūju” in Japan印度学仏教学研究 通号 81 1992-12-01 30-34(L)詳細ありIB00007954A
BodifordWilliam M.The Beginnings of Zen in Japan禅の諸展開:大谷哲夫先生傘寿記念論集 通号 81 2023-06-30 50-64(L)詳細IB00246335A
原実The Academic Activities of Indian and Buddhist Studies in Japan印度学仏教学研究 通号 28 1966-03-31 159-171(L)詳細IB00085005A
玉城康四郎The Absolute in Mahāyāna Buddhism印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 25 1965-01-31 1-8(L)詳細ありIB00001936A
アビトルベン・L・FTAKEUCHI Yoshinori, ed., Buddhist Spirituality II: Later China, Korea, Japan and the Modern World宗教研究 通号 328 2001-06-30 197-200(L)詳細IB00092372A-
堀本武功Takako Hirose (広瀬崇子), Two Asian Democracies: A Comparative Study of the Single Predominant Party Systems of India and Japan南アジア研究 通号 7 1995-10-01 167-172(L)詳細IB00155827A-
佐藤厚SUZUKI DAISETSU'S CRITICISM OF INOUE ENRYO国際井上円了研究 通号 5 2017-03-01 84-98(L)詳細ありIB00233859A
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