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検索キーワード: Buddhist philosophy [SAT] Buddhist philosophy

検索対象: すべて

-- 409 件ヒット
インド (153 / 21397)  日本 (93 / 70194)  仏教学 (76 / 8355)  中国 (48 / 18912)  日本仏教 (45 / 35899)  インド仏教 (34 / 8181)  Dharmakīrti (32 / 354)  インド哲学 (32 / 1553)  インド学 (28 / 1728)  中国仏教 (25 / 8933)  [30件まで表示]
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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
SiscoMatthewInternational Symposium “On the Front Line of Studies of the History of Early Chan Buddhism” Opening Remarks国際禅研究 通号 5 2020-08-31 10-13(L)詳細IB00201133A
高橋孝信Jain Authorship in Tamil Literatureインド哲学仏教学研究 通号 18 2011-03-31 1-12(L)詳細IB00098754A-
JaffeRichardJapanese-South Asian Buddhist Interactions駒澤大學禪硏究所年報 通号 100000 2020-12-31 287-304(L)詳細IB00234193A
船山徹Kamalaśīla's Interpretation of Non-Erroneous in the Definition of Direct Perception and Related ProblemsDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 100000 1999-03-19 73-100(L)詳細IB00056054A-
渡邊親文Karl H. Potter (ed.), Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume IX: Buddhist Philosophy from 350 to 600 A.D., Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass (first Indian edition), 2003, 762 Pp., Rs. 1295. (Hardback)NAGOYA STUDIES IN INDIAN CULTURE AND BUDDHISM: SAṂBHĀṢĀ 通号 25 2006-03-31 130-135(L)詳細ありIB00192177A-
藤井淳『空海の座標――存在とコトバの深秘学』高木訷元 二〇一六年, 慶応義塾大学出版会 Kūkai on the Philosophy of Language (『空海の真言哲学』), Translated by: Takagi, Shingen; Dreitlein, Thomas Eijo, Keio University Press, 2010駒澤大學佛教學部論集 通号 47 2016-10-30 147-160(L)詳細ありIB00161423A-
KellnerBirgitLevels of (Im)perceptibilityDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 47 1999-03-19 193-208(L)詳細IB00056061A-
石上善応ネパール本“Maitreyavyākaraṇa”インド哲学と仏教:藤田宏達博士還暦記念論集 通号 47 1989-11-10 295-310(L)詳細IB00045236A-
Josephson-stormJason ĀnandaMONSTERS OF THE ABSOLUTE国際井上円了研究 通号 5 2017-03-01 1-21(L)詳細ありIB00233855A
種村隆元Moriyama, Shinya (ed.), Transmission and Transformation of Buddhist Logic and Epistemology in East Asia, Wien2020. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde Heft 97.比較思想研究 通号 48 2022-03-31 165-167(R)詳細IB00236049A
SkillingPeterMṛgāra’s Mother’s Mansionインド学チベット学研究 通号 11 2007-10-01 225-247(L)詳細IB00086625A-
佐々木現順Ninian Smart: Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy仏教学セミナー 通号 4 1966-10-30 69-77詳細IB00026419A-
高橋晃一Observation of the Body in the Bodhisattvabhūmi印度学仏教学研究 通号 130 2013-03-25 139-145(L)詳細ありIB00128488A
笠井貞On the Concept of Truth in Dōgen and Nicholas of Cusa印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 82 1993-03-25 43-49(L)詳細IB00008078A
上田昇On the Deduction of Vyāpti From the Second Condition of HetuDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 82 1999-03-19 405-417(L)詳細IB00056079A-
稲見正浩On the Determination of CausalityDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 82 1999-03-19 131-154(L)詳細IB00056057A-
岩田孝On the Interpretations of the Subject dharmin of the Inference Nagating Invariable Entities in Dharmakīrtian LogicDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 82 1999-03-19 155-172(L)詳細IB00056058A-
宇野智行Ontological Affinity Between the Jainas and the Mīmāṃsakas Viewed by Buddhist LogiciansDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 82 1999-03-19 419-431(L)詳細IB00056080A-
浪花宣明Paṭṭhānaの語義解釈についてパーリ学仏教文化学 通号 3 1990-05-01 57-71詳細ありIB00036037A-
カンカルツルティム・ケサンPaul L. Swanson: Foundations of T'ien-T'ai Philosophy仏教学セミナー 通号 51 1990-05-30 90-95詳細ありIB00026851A-
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