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検索キーワード: culture [SAT] culture

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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
MiyamotoKeiichiThe Early Vaiśeṣikas on asamavāyikāraṇa and the Term 'apekṣ-'インド思想と仏教文化:今西順吉教授還暦記念論集 通号 1996-12-20 31-46(L)詳細IB00086422A-
辻村優英The English translation of shes rab (prajñā) by the 14th Dalai Lama and the list of English words for the fifty-one mental factors (sems byung lnga bcu rtsa gcig)高野山大学密教文化研究所紀要 通号 25 2012-02-25 57-75(L)詳細ありIB00151318A-
MiyamotoShosonThe Formation of the Self in Buddhism仏教思想史論集:結城教授頌寿記念 通号 25 1964-03-31 1-18(L)詳細IB00047244A-
DharmadasaK. N. O.The Ganinnānsē佛教文化學論集:前田惠學博士頌寿記念 通号 25 1991-04-01 161-173(L)詳細IB00178286A-
宮本正尊The Geographical Expansion of the Indian Cultural Sphere Symbolized by the Metaphor of the Five Rivers of India and the Metaphor of the Four Rivers of Asia印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 31 1967-12-25 1-15(L)詳細ありIB00002495A
RitchieMalcolmThe Great Earth Nembutsu時宗教学年報 通号 35 2007-03-31 1-14(L)詳細IB00132747A-
服部真理The guṇa in Vāmana's KāvyālaṅkārasūtravṛttiNagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Saṃbhāṣā 通号 21 1999-09-30 45-53(L)詳細ありIB00021519A-
湯山明The Kacchapa-Jātaka in Bas-relief at the Caṇḍi Měndut in Central Java佛教文化學論集:前田惠學博士頌寿記念 通号 29 1991-04-01 251-265(L)詳細IB00178354A-
MarmaAnu ChingThe Livelihood of Marma Community in Bangladesh龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要 通号 48 2009-12-26 18-39(L)詳細IB00167726A-
田中公明The Lokeśvarakalpa and the Yi-qie-fo she-xiang-ying da-jiao-wang-jing sheng-guan-zi-zai pu-sa nian-song yi-gui仏教文化 通号 30 1993-05-01 1-24(L)詳細IB00038339A-
BahulkarShrikant S.The Madhyamaka-Hṛdaya-Kārikā of BhāvavivekaNagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Saṃbhāṣā 通号 15 1994-10-01 1-49詳細ありIB00021492A-
PandaGanesh PrasadThe Method of Indian Lexicographical PresentationNagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Saṃbhāṣā 通号 16 1995-07-01 125-131詳細ありIB00021497A-
宮本正尊The Middle Path Concept in History and Society東洋文化論集――福井博士頌寿記念 通号 16 1969-12-10 35-57(L)詳細IB00047363A-
WhicherIanThe Mind(citta)Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Saṃbhāṣā 通号 18 1997-03-31 35-62詳細ありIB00021503A-
WhicherIanThe Mind (citta)Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Saṃbhāṣā 通号 19 1998-09-30 23-82(L)詳細ありIB00021510A-
RiggsDavid E.The Practice of Precepts and the Rule of Realization 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要 通号 46 2007-12-26 75-86(L)詳細IB00062034A-
宮本靖介The Quiet American 再考日本佛教文化論叢:北畠典生博士古稀記念論文集 通号 2 1998-06-08 19-33詳細IB00047799A
BaruaTitu KumarThe Ritual of Tel-loñāni印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 127 2012-03-25 165-169(L)詳細ありIB00104206A
PrudenLeo M.The Shingon Patriarch Śubhākarasiṁha中川善教先生頌徳記念論集:仏教と文化 通号 127 1983-03-31 47-62(L)詳細IB00045924A-
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