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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
BalcerowiczPiotrTaxonomic approach to dṛṣṭāntābhāsa in nyāyabindhu and in siddharṣigaṇi's nyāyāvatāravivṛtitaxonomic approach to dṛṣṭāntābhāsa in nyāyabindhu and in siddharṣigaṇi's nyāyāvatāravivṛtiDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 1999-03-19 1-16(L)詳細IB00056048A
藤井真聖Tattvasaṃgraha873偈について日本西蔵学会々報 通号 51 2005-05-31 37-52(L)詳細ありIB00098038A-
吉崎一美Svayaṃbhū-purāṇaのチベット語翻訳について印度学仏教学研究 通号 103 2003-12-20 49-52(L)詳細ありIB00010313A
服部正明Sujitkumar Mukhopadhyaya; The Trisvabhāvanirdeśa of Vasubandhu, Sanskrit text and Tibetan versions, edited with an English translation, introduction and vocabularies Visvabharati Series No.4仏教文化研究 通号 2 1952-09-30 124-124(R)詳細ありIB00061862A
小池清廉Suicide and Euthanasia from a Buddhist Viewpointインド学チベット学研究 通号 5/6 2001-03-01 144-190(L)詳細IB00038301A-
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EltschingerVincentŚubhagupta's Śrutiparīkṣākārikā vv 10cd 19 and Its Dharmakīrtian BackgroundDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 4 1999-03-19 47-62(L)詳細IB00056052A-
池田練太郎敦煌蔵文資料Stein 193(10), 590について駒沢女子短期大学研究紀要 通号 15 1981-12-08 1-9(L)詳細IB00202846A
榎木美樹Stages of Democratization of Central Tibetan Administration南アジア研究 通号 18 2006-10-01 144-166(L)詳細IB00144846A-
PottP.H.Some remarks on the 'Terrific Deities' in Tibetan 'Devil Dances'密教学密教史論文集:高野山開創千百五十年記念 通号 18 1965-12-08 269-278(L)詳細IB00048172A-
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MaJiu JieShākya mchog ldan's View of Similar and Dissimilar Setsインド学チベット学研究 通号 25 2021-12-01 161-173(L)詳細IB00221293A
伏見英俊Sa-skya Paṇḍitaの二諦解釈の特徴、並びにその先駆的思想について智山学報 通号 65 2002-03-31 57-80(L)詳細ありIB00136865A-
一郷正道Śāntarakṣita on Satyadvayaインド学チベット学研究 通号 20 2016-12-01 166-194(L)詳細IB00173666A-
吹田隆道Sanskrit Fragments of a Karmavibhaṅga Corresponding to the Canonical Tibetan and Chinese Translations仏教大学仏教文化研究所年報 通号 7/8 1990-04-10 1-33(L)詳細ありIB00028213A-
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小林守Ryusei KEIRA, Mādhyamika and Epistemology, A Study of Kamalaśīla's Method for Proving the Voidness of All Dharmas. Introduction, Annotated Translations and Tibetan Texts of Selected Sections of the Second Chapter of the Madhyamakāloka.南アジア研究 通号 17 2005-10-01 206-211(L)詳細ありIB00145185A-
片野道雄Ryōei Tokuoka: A Catalogue of the Lha-sa Edition of the Bkaḥ-ḥgyur of Tibetan Tripiṭaka仏教学セミナー 通号 15 1972-05-30 53-56(R)詳細ありIB00026518A-
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