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検索キーワード: Manuscripts [SAT] Manuscripts

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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
WilleKlausThe Sanskrit Fragments Or. 15015 in the Hoernle CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 2015-01-01 485-551(L)詳細ありIB00203963A
長島潤道The Sanskrit Fragments Or. 15009 in the Hoernle Collection (II)The British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 2015-01-01 231-232(L)詳細ありIB00203902A
WilleKlausThe Sanskrit Fragments Or. 15008 in the Hoernle CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 2015-01-01 199-230(L)詳細ありIB00203901A
WilleKlausThe Sanskrit Fragments Or. 15007 in the Hoernle CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 2015-01-01 13-198(L)詳細ありIB00203900A
WilleKlausThe Sanskrit Fragments Or. 15003 in the Hoernle CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 65-153(L)詳細ありIB00203178A
辛嶋静志The Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra Manuscript from Farhād-Bēg in the Stein Collection (1)The British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 155-172(L)詳細ありIB00203179A
米澤嘉康The Pravrajyāvastu of the Vinayasūtravṛtti in dBu med script成田山仏教研究所紀要 通号 44 2021-02-28 61-90(L)詳細ありIB00213196A
Sims-WilliamsUrsulaThe papers of the Central Asian scholar and Sanskritist Rudolf HoernleThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 1-26(L)詳細ありIB00203175A
葉少勇The Mūlamadhyamakakārikā and Buddhapālita’s Commentary (2)創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 11 2008-03-31 105-151(L)詳細ありIB00132485A
葉少勇The Mūlamadhyamakakārikā and Buddhapālita’s Commentary (1)創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 10 2007-03-31 117-147(L)詳細ありIB00132462A
幅田裕美The Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra Fragments in the Petrovsky Collection (1)The St. Petersburg Sanskrit Fragments (StPSF) / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 10 2015-01-01 525-542(L)詳細IB00203973A
MaggiMauroThe Khotanese fragmentary folio IOL Khot 7/7創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 25 2022-03-31 129-147(L)詳細ありIB00225611A
湯山明The Golden Light in Central Asia創価大学・国際仏教学高等研究所・年報 通号 7 2004-03-31 3-32(L)詳細ありIB00041947A
StraubeMartinThe Fragment of Haribhaṭṭa’s Jātakamālā among the Gilgit Manuscripts in the National Archives of India創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 26 2023-03-31 189-194(L)詳細ありIB00236764A
AcharyaDiwakarThe First Three Folios of Manuscript B of the Karmavibhaṅga創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 9 2006-03-31 33-42(L)詳細ありIB00132445A
大窪祐宣The Ekottara-āgama Fragments of the Gilgit Manuscript仏教学セミナー 通号 35 1982-05-30 1-30(L)詳細ありIB00026721A-
長島潤道The Dunhuang Manuscript of the Larger PrajñāpāramitāThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 35 2015-01-01 593-821(L)詳細IB00229659A
玉井達士The Buddhist Philology from Studies of Tocharian Manuscripts印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 157 2022-03-25 143-146(L)詳細IB00229465A
HarrisonPaulThe British Library Vajracchedikā ManuscriptThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 157 2015-01-01 823-865(L)詳細IB00229661A
SkillingPeterThe Batang Manuscript Kanjur in the Newark Museum創価大学・国際仏教学高等研究所・年報 通号 4 2001-03-31 71-92(L)詳細ありIB00041919A
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