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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
下田正弘Stūpa Worship as Historical Background for Tathāgatagarbha TheoryBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 247-258(L)詳細IB00048968A
沖本克己Religious Body of MahāyānaBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 225-234(L)詳細IB00048966A
SilkJonathan A.Cui bono? or Follow the MoneyBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 129-184(L)詳細IB00048961A
JayawickramaN.A.The Gaṇṭhipada LiteratureBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 185-188(L)詳細IB00048962A
林隆嗣The Function of Janaka-Kamma in Tharavāda BuddhismBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 189-202(L)詳細IB00048963A
池上要靖Upaya or UpāyaBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 203-214(L)詳細IB00048964A
細田典明Bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣad 3.8 and Early BuddhismBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 475-484(L)詳細ありIB00048983A
蓑輪顕量Oratorical Teaching(Shōdō) and Debate(Rongi) in Ancient Japanese Buddhist TemplesBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 437-448(L)詳細IB00048981A
菅野博史The three Dharma-wheels of Jizang(吉蔵)Buddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 399-412(L)詳細IB00048978A
立川武蔵Nature and Dependent OriginationBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 413-424(L)詳細IB00048979A
ShayneClarkeOne Rule For All?Buddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 387-398(L)詳細IB00048977A
BronkhorstJohannesPatañjali and the BuddhistsBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 485-492(L)詳細IB00048984A
末木文美士The Lotus Sūtra and Japanese BuddhismBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 425-436(L)詳細IB00048980A
森雅秀The Kālacakra and Tantric Deities Preserved in the Boston Museum of Fine ArtsBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 267-284(L)詳細IB00048970A
村上真完A Basic Concept of the Doctrine of MomentarinessBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 285-296(L)詳細-IB00048971A
榎本文雄The Extinction of Karman and PrāyaścittaBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 235-246(L)詳細-IB00048967A
GombrichRichardAnother Buddhist Criticism of YājñavalkyaBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 21-24(L)詳細-IB00048952A
奥平龍二The ThamaingBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 555-564(L)詳細-IB00048989A
山崎守一Dhuya in Early JainismBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 493-510(L)詳細-IB00048985A
安藤充Sanskrit Tradition in Old Javanese Parwa LiteratureBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 2002-01-01 511-524(L)詳細-IB00048986A
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