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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
田中公明敦煌出土の寂静尊曼荼羅について秋山光和博士古稀記念美術史論文集 通号 1991-07-25 111-141(R)詳細IB00229980A
若山超関道元禅師の人間・教育観愛知学院大学長小出有三先生古稀記念論文集 通号 1963-10-01 199-225(R)詳細IB00047254A-
野村瑞峯学道用心集の「学」の読みについて愛知学院大学長小出有三先生古稀記念論文集 通号 1963-10-01 171-194(R)詳細IB00047253A-
田島柏堂日本曹洞印書史の研究序説愛知学院大学長小出有三先生古稀記念論文集 通号 1963-10-01 227-267(R)詳細IB00047255A
伊藤猷典碧厳集本文批評と定本撰定刊行愛知学院大学長小出有三先生古稀記念論文集 通号 1963-10-01 133-169(R)詳細IB00047252A
金岡照光On the Word“Pien 変”TŌYŌ UNIVERSITY ASIAN STUDIES 通号 1 1961-01-01 15-23詳細IB00027629A-
湯山明Restoration - Translation - EmendationBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 215-224(L)詳細IB00048965A
下田正弘Stūpa Worship as Historical Background for Tathāgatagarbha TheoryBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 247-258(L)詳細IB00048968A
沖本克己Religious Body of MahāyānaBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 225-234(L)詳細IB00048966A
SilkJonathan A.Cui bono? or Follow the MoneyBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 129-184(L)詳細IB00048961A
JayawickramaN.A.The Gaṇṭhipada LiteratureBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 185-188(L)詳細IB00048962A
林隆嗣The Function of Janaka-Kamma in Tharavāda BuddhismBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 189-202(L)詳細IB00048963A
池上要靖Upaya or UpāyaBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 203-214(L)詳細IB00048964A
細田典明Bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣad 3.8 and Early BuddhismBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 475-484(L)詳細ありIB00048983A
蓑輪顕量Oratorical Teaching(Shōdō) and Debate(Rongi) in Ancient Japanese Buddhist TemplesBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 437-448(L)詳細IB00048981A
菅野博史The three Dharma-wheels of Jizang(吉蔵)Buddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 399-412(L)詳細IB00048978A
立川武蔵Nature and Dependent OriginationBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 413-424(L)詳細IB00048979A
ShayneClarkeOne Rule For All?Buddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 387-398(L)詳細IB00048977A
BronkhorstJohannesPatañjali and the BuddhistsBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 485-492(L)詳細IB00048984A
末木文美士The Lotus Sūtra and Japanese BuddhismBuddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo MORI (森祖道博士頌寿記念・論文集) 通号 1 2002-01-01 425-436(L)詳細IB00048980A
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