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検索キーワード: China [SAT] China

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-- 42 件ヒット
China (42 / 42)  Buddhism (10 / 123)  India (9 / 138)  Japan (9 / 51)  Tibet (5 / 30)  中国 (4 / 18936)  Chinese Buddhism (3 / 8)  Dōgen (3 / 12)  Lotus Sūtra (3 / 21)  Zen (3 / 42)  [30件まで表示]
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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
SuzukiTakayasuThe Unchanged Intention of the Compilers of the Suvarṇaprabhāsa印度学仏教学研究 通号 106 2005-03-20 20-26(L)詳細ありIB00086313A
タナカケネス・KHui-yüan's Usage of “Ta-ching” and “Wang-sheng lun”親鸞と浄土教:信楽峻麿教授還暦記念論集 通号 106 1986-09-01 89-110(L)詳細IB00045522A-
玉城康四郎The Development of the Thought of Tathāgatagarbha from India to China印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 17 1961-01-25 25-33(L)詳細ありIB00001290A
玉城康四郎The Absolute in Mahāyāna Buddhism印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 25 1965-01-31 1-8(L)詳細ありIB00001936A
藤堂恭俊The Critical Views, or the Sense of Uneasiness, in Chinese Buddhism and Their Relief印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 20 1962-03-31 1-6(L)詳細ありIB00001524A
禿氏祐祥PAINTED MANUSCRIPTS OF THE SHIH-WANG-SHÊNG-TS'I-CHING西域文化研究 通号 5 1962-03-31 16-18(L)詳細IB00132419A-
袴谷憲昭A Consideration on the Byams ṣus kyi leḥu from the historical point of view印度学仏教学研究 通号 47 1975-12-25 20-30(L)詳細ありIB00004161A
HinüberHaiyan Hu-vonFaxian’s (法顕) Worship of Guanshiyin (観世音) and the Lotus Sūtra of 286 (正法華経)創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 18 2015-03-31 311-319(L)詳細ありIB00148056A
HinüberHaiyan Hu-vonFrom the Upper Indus to the East Coast of China創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 22 2019-03-31 377-390(L)詳細ありIB00187824A
藤吉慈海The spirit of criticism in Buddhism印度学仏教学研究 通号 19 1962-01-25 7-12(L)詳細ありIB00001449A
HallDavid A.Martial Aspects of the Buddhist Mārīcī in Sixth Century China大正大学綜合佛教研究所年報 通号 11 1989-03-20 146-163(L)詳細IB00168412A
正木晴彦The Practice of Buddhistic Austerities and Its Popularization in Shan-Tao and Prince-Shôtoku印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 32 1968-03-31 42-54(L)詳細ありIB00002584A
増永霊鳳Zen and Depth Psychology印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 17 1961-01-25 17-24(L)詳細ありIB00001291A
MasunagaReihoIntroduction to Shinfukatoku and Translation of Text宗学研究 通号 6 1964-04-10 1-5(L)詳細IB00069600A-
増永霊鳳Three Essays on Zen印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 27 1965-12-25 10-18(L)詳細ありIB00002092A
MatsunagaYukeiA History of Tantric Buddhism in India高野山大学論叢 通号 12 1977-02-21 1-13(L)詳細IB00014348A-
松本史朗Critical Considerations on Zen Thought駒沢大学禅研究所年報 通号 10 1999-03-01 1-22(L)詳細ありIB00035240A
水野弘元On the Pseudo-Fa-kiu-king印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 17 1961-01-25 9-16(L)詳細ありIB00001292A
宮本正尊The Geographical Expansion of the Indian Cultural Sphere Symbolized by the Metaphor of the Five Rivers of India and the Metaphor of the Four Rivers of Asia印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 31 1967-12-25 1-15(L)詳細ありIB00002495A
HureauSylviePreaching and translating on poṣadha days国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要 通号 10 2006-03-31 87-119(L)詳細ありIB00134559A-
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