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検索キーワード: Bhartṛhari [SAT] Bhartṛhari

検索対象: キーワード

-- 73 件ヒット
Bhartṛhari (73 / 73)  インド (64 / 21425)  Vākyapadīya (54 / 89)  文法学 (24 / 136)  インド哲学 (19 / 1557)  Mahābhāṣya (16 / 82)  Patañjali (15 / 77)  インド学 (11 / 1728)  バルトリハリ (10 / 97)  Maṇḍanamiśra (8 / 37)  [30件まで表示]
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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
斉藤茜The Perception and Contrary Cognition of the Word in the Sphoṭa Theory印度学仏教学研究 通号 130 2013-03-25 45-49(L)詳細ありIB00128111A
友成有紀Who Are the abhiyuktas?印度学仏教学研究 通号 133 2014-03-25 69-74(L)詳細ありIB00140885A
斉藤茜Generic Concept and Class-term in the Epistemic Analysis of the Word印度学仏教学研究 通号 139 2016-03-25 46-50(L)詳細ありIB00159152A
川村悠人Candragomin's Theory of karman印度学仏教学研究 通号 145 2018-03-25 18-24(L)詳細ありIB00176879A
斉藤茜Power (mahiman, śakti) for Maṇḍanamiśra in the Brahmasiddhi印度学仏教学研究 通号 151 2020-03-25 29-34(L)詳細ありIB00202287A
小川英世What Is ‘the Awareness Whose Domain Is the Tree’?印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 160 2023-03-25 11-18(L)詳細IB00238707A
PandaGanesh PrasadThe Concept of Time in Indian Grammatical Tradition(1)Nagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Saṃbhāṣā 通号 18 1997-03-31 97-124詳細ありIB00021505A-
森雅秀Kalpakam Sankaranarayan, Motohiro Yoritomi & Shubhada A. Joshi eds., Buddhism in India and Abroad: An Integrating Influence in Vedic and Post-Vedic PerspectiveNagoya Studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism: Saṃbhāṣā 通号 19 1998-09-30 129-132(L)詳細ありIB00021513A-
UnebeToshiyaKWIC Index to the Vākyapadīya, Kāṇḍa1NAGOYA STUDIES IN INDIAN CULTURE AND BUDDHISM: SAṂBHĀṢĀ 通号 22 2002-01-30 1-239(L)詳細ありIB00021524A-
PandaGanesh P.Devendra Nath Tiwari, The Central Problems of Bhartṛhari's Philosophy, New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 2008, xix+434Pp. Rs. 530. (Hardback)NAGOYA STUDIES IN INDIAN CULTURE AND BUDDHISM: SAṂBHĀṢĀ 通号 33 2016-09-30 78-80(L)詳細ありIB00200256A
BronkhorstJohannesNāgārjuna and apohaDharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 33 1999-03-19 17-24(L)詳細IB00056049A-
小川英世Bhatrṛhari on Representations (Buddhyākāra)Dharmakīrti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy 通号 33 1999-03-19 267-286(L)詳細IB00056068A-
DeleanuFlorinDating with ProcrustesBIIBS Bulletin of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies 通号 2 2019-01-01 11-47(L)詳細ありIB00202538A
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