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検索キーワード: Stein Collection [SAT] Stein Collection

検索対象: すべて

-- 17 件ヒット
Stein Collection (8 / 8)  仏教学 (7 / 8355)  British Library (6 / 23)  London (4 / 7)  Hoernle Collection (3 / 10)  Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (3 / 52)  Sanskrit Fragment (3 / 15)  インド学 (3 / 1728)  Hoernle collection (2 / 2)  Sanskrit fragments (2 / 5)  [30件まで表示]
氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
吉岡義豊敦煌本十戒経について仏教史学論集:塚本博士頌寿記念 通号 1961-02-08 925-938(R)詳細IB00047321A-
真田有美スタイン将来中央アジア梵文仏典資料について龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要 通号 2 1963-06-25 16-108詳細IB00013043A-
古泉円順S二四三〇敦煌本『勝鬘経注釈書』断簡仏教思想論集:奥田慈応先生喜寿記念 通号 2 1976-10-01 695-712(R)詳細IB00046627A-
京戸慈光A Study of the Buddhist Manuscripts of Dunhuang仏教の歴史と思想:壬生台舜博士頌寿記念 通号 2 1985-02-01 17-70(L)詳細IB00045671A-
リシェルアンナ・グレーテ楼蘭古紙の科学的分析流沙出土の文字資料――楼蘭・尼雅文書を中心に 通号 2 2001-03-25 215-249(L)詳細IB00052930A-
WilleKlausSome recently identified Sanskrit fragments from the Stein and Hoernle collections in the British Library, London (1)創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 通号 8 2005-03-31 47-79(L)詳細ありIB00132435A
WilleKlausThe Sanskrit Manuscript of the Sarvabuddhaviṣayāvatārajñānālokālaṃkāra from Endere in the Stein CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 191-254(L)詳細ありIB00203868A
工藤順之A Sanskrit Fragment of the Larger Prajñāpāramitā in the Stein CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 255-259(L)詳細ありIB00203870A
辛嶋静志Four Sanskrit Fragments of the Ratnaketuparivarta in the Stein CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 177-189(L)詳細ありIB00203182A
鈴木健太A Sanskrit Fragment of the Prajñāpāramitāstotra in the Stein CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 261-262(L)詳細ありIB00203871A
WilleKlausSome recently identified Sanskrit fragments from the Stein and Hoernle collections in the British Library, London (2)The British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 27-64(L)詳細ありIB00203176A
Sims-WilliamsUrsulaThe papers of the Central Asian scholar and Sanskritist Rudolf HoernleThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 1-26(L)詳細ありIB00203175A
WilleKlausThe Sanskrit Fragments Or. 15003 in the Hoernle CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 65-153(L)詳細ありIB00203178A
辛嶋静志The Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra Manuscript from Farhād-Bēg in the Stein Collection (1)The British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 155-172(L)詳細ありIB00203179A
辛嶋静志A Sanskrit Fragment of Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra in the Stein CollectionThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2006-01-01 173-175(L)詳細ありIB00203180A
辛嶋静志PostscriptThe British Library Sanskrit Fragments / Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia 通号 1 2015-01-01 867-870(L)詳細IB00229662A
井内真帆Early Bka' brgyud Texts from Khara-khoto in the Stein Collection of the British Library 印度学仏教学研究 通号 142 2017-03-25 233-238(L)詳細IB00170452A
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